Info for Students


PhD Students Poster Session
The session is dedicated to papers that will be presented via a poster (on site or remotely) by PhD students.
A scientific committee, including some TC members, will select the best three posters for the IEEE Best PhD Poster Award of EEEIC 2024 Edition in Rome.
All conference papers including those presented during the poster session will be published on IEEE Xplore and indexed on Scopus.

How to join the
Phd Students Poster Session
In case you have already submitted an article, but you would like to move it to the PhD Students Poster Session in order to be presented in a poster format, please send an email to: and to
The email should include the ID number of the paper, the title, the authors, and contacts of the presenting author.
Remember that the paper should be presented by a PhD student (co-author of the paper).


The poster should be oriented in a “portrait” format and has dimensions of 90cm wide and 120cm tall (approximately 35in wide and 47in tall), to contain A0 posters (84,1 × 118,9 cm).

Organizing your poster
Poster sessions are a good medium for authors to present papers and meet with interested attendees for in‐depth technical discussions. In addition, attendees find the poster sessions a good way to sample many papers in parallel sessions. Thus, it is important that you display your message clearly and noticeably to attract people who might have an interest in your paper. Carefully and completely prepare your poster well in advance of the conference. Try tacking up the poster before you leave for the conference to see what it will look like and to make sure that you have all of the necessary pieces.


Phd Students Special Events
Special events for PhD students will be organized during the days of the Conference (tutorials, social events, etc.).
Please, keep up with the Conference Events at to discover the latest updates.

Contact Us
For further information on the PhD Poster Session please send an email to
Erika Stracqualursi
Riccardo Loggia


Wednesday, June 19th 2024
h 17:15 – 19: 00 (5:15 – 7:00 CEST)
The EEEIC-I&CPS Technical Committee and the IEEE Sapienza University of Rome Student Branch are glad to host the Student Activities Panel, co-sponsored by the IEEE Industry Application Society and IEEE Italy Section.
The main purpose of the panel is to gather testimonies from students from all over the world and provide an opportunity for discussion among young researchers on the hottest topics within the scope of the Industry Application Society.
The EEEIC I&CPS Travel Grant 2024 winners are invited to give a 15-minute oral presentation, aimed at describing the activities of their affiliated Student Branches and/or their personal research activities. Master and bachelor’s students, PhD students as well as young researchers, are welcomed to attend the panel in person.
Location: Sapienza University of Rome
Via Eudossiana, 18
Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering
Aula 1 (Room 1)
h 17:15 – 19: 00
(5:15 – 7:00 CEST)
The Student Activities Panel will also be available remotely via the Zoom platform. Follow this link.